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Recipe of Quick Beef shank stew

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Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Beef shank stew recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Beef shank stew recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Beef shank stew

Before you jump to Beef shank stew recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Guidelines For Living Green And Lowering costs In The Kitchen.

Remember when the only men and women who cared about the natural environment were tree huggers along with hippies? That's a thing of the past now, with all people being aware of the problems besetting the planet as well as the shared responsibility we have for turning things around. The experts are agreed that we cannot transform things for the better without everyone's active contribution. These adjustments need to start happening, and each individual family needs to become more environmentally friendly. Here are some tips that can help you save energy, for the most part by making your cooking area more green.

Probably the food is not quite as good when cooked in the microwave, nevertheless it will save you money to use it over your oven. The energy used by cooking in an oven is actually greater by 75%, and perhaps this small bit of knowledge will spur you on to use the microwave more frequently. When it relates to boiling water and steaming vegetables, you can save a great deal of electricity and do the job faster with countertop appliances rather than a stove. You might reckon that you save energy by washing your dishes by hand, but that is certainly not true. A dishwasher is especially efficient when it's full before a cycle is started. Don't dry the dishes with heat, use the cool dry or air dry functions to increase the money you save.

The kitchen on its own gives you many small means by which energy and money can be saved. Environmentally friendly living is not really that tough. It's concerning being sensible, usually.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to beef shank stew recipe. You can cook beef shank stew using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Beef shank stew:

  1. Provide 1 kg of beef shanks.
  2. You need 4 of cloves.
  3. Get 1 of chopped onion.
  4. Take of salt and pepper.
  5. Prepare 2 of bay leaves.
  6. You need of twig of rosemary.
  7. Prepare 1 can of wild mushrooms.
  8. Use 1 tablespoon of flower.
  9. Prepare 1 of small tub of yogurt.
  10. Prepare of or cream.
  11. Use 4 tablespoons of grated parmesan.
  12. Get of freshly chopped basil to garnish.

Steps to make Beef shank stew:

  1. Brown meat, onions with herbs and spice, and cook in pressure cooker for 45minutes with 500 ml of water until meat is tender.....
  2. Add a can of wild mushrooms, but oysters mushrooms will do equally fine..
  3. Add yogurt and mix well. Cream is great as well but it's a meal with a lot of animal fat so it is lighter with yogurt.
  4. Reduce sauce and add flower to thicken the sauce.
  5. Sprinkle parmesan and fresh basil over your dish.
  6. Serve with rice or potatoes but I chose gnocchi....

Due to the constant use of this muscle by the animal, it tends to be tough, dry, and sinewy, so is best when cooked for a long time in moist heat. Cut beef shanks with the bone in? Oh, you make the BEST beef stew with those!!! This Slow Cooker Beef Shanks is going to quickly become one of your favorite meals. Slow Cooker Beef Shanks with Garlic and Herbs :: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Option.

If you find this Beef shank stew recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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